An Excellent Time for Our Funding
April 22, 2020

Insights on our new funding from COO, Dr. Martyn Farrows:
Our new $6.5M funding round will accelerate the focus of our voice tech for kids on the entertainment and education markets. Here’s why this funding is so timely:
The Rise of Remote Learning – kids urgently need educational tools that do more than serve up content passively. They need voice-enabled reading and language tools that act as engaging and attentive companions on their literacy and language learning journey.
Privacy – these days parents and teachers are scrambling for solutions they can trust and voice tech that delivers accuracy without compromising privacy.
The Market – for younger and pre-literate kids in particular, voice tech is a need not a nice to have. The voice market is now ready to move beyond voice assistants, and fulfill that need with new kids’ apps, tools and products.
Advances in Technology – with this funding we’ll also take advantage of new chip technology, as it advances month by month, to add voice to embedded toys for kids.
Exciting times and excellent timing. Thanks to everyone in the voice, kids, entertainment and edtech ecosystems for supporting us here at SoapBox Labs on this journey.